Mineral Assest Valuation
Z Star professionals undertake valuation of mineral assets to satisfy the mineral
asset valuation codes.
Z Star Principal Analysts apply the principals of international valuation codes to valuate all styles of mineralisation.
This combination ensures that fundamental components of the geological model are incorporated into the final mineral resource estimate. Z Star firmly believes in forging a close working relationship with the project geologists as the geological model is the foundation of any mineral resource estimate. (Pleade provide new text for this section)
Exploration properties
Mineral Asset Valuation Codes exist in RSA (SAMVAL), Australia (VALMIN), Canada (CIMVAL) and there are International Valuation Standards (IVS). Z Star professionals undertake valuation of mineral assets to satisfy any of these codes.
Z Star provide assurance on all types of modelling and will undertake independent 3rd party audits on models and associated wireframing and block models.